...Or facebook [I dont get facebook and will not waste my time checking it. So if anyone has been licking or spanking or taking money away from me, you are playing with yourself. Eww...]
You seek my graphical elaboration on the following issues:
Beautiful roses from Aidil! i love it sooo much! Thank you Aidil!!!! Keep the flowers coming!!! =p. xoxo.
Blooming sunflowers from my sunshines aka Aienn and Ainsafian. What great taste you girls have! thanks! =D .
Red rose given by my family. Actually the bouquet dah tercampur dengan Aidil's bouquet. So i cant remember what else is there besides the red rose. hehe. Isnt it pretty?? the redness of the rose? =).
Graduation teddy on a stick from sakina and hanis. Its so so cute. Thank you for acknowledging my request to have a teddy bear for my graduation, although the size has been reduced. =p. Btw, the teddy's name is Iqbal. hahahaha.
Limited Edition "Absolutely Givenchy" perfume given by my parents. They bought this somewhere in US i guess. I love the smell! Its so sweet and if i were to be a perfume i'd smell exactly like this! Thank you Ayah & Mama!
My beloved and incomplete family. My parents were in the US and thus explains the absence. Dinie has returned to UK and Zul was in college, and Afiq kene tinggal kat rumah by Hilmi. So as you can see, only Ilya, Hilmi, Kak Eton and Ryzal were present. I hope Ilya is motivated to graduate after having to witness me on stage taking the scroll and almost tripped. I thank my family for being there with me because I have to admit I was not really looking forward to attend the graduation ceremony when i first found out my parents couldnt make it. I still have regrets and wonders what it would've been like if my parents were there. But its okay, because i feel their love all the way from abroad when i received the graduation present from them. hehe. This is my gift to them in return for their continuous love and support to me, and for working so hard to provide us with luxuries. To my cousin and siblings, thanks for allocating some time to attend my graduation. i love you guys!!! =)
Aidil allllways has this pose. The one with the hands covering the front. Whaaatever makes him happy. =p. His white shirt is oh-so-perfectly-gorgeous, but the camera kinda should be concealed a lil bit. But i thank the camera, for if it isnt strapped there across his chest, we wont be able to capture any of my happy graduation moments. hehe. For those who have been ignorant or in denial (haha), aidil is my boyfriend and ryzal's bestfriend. maybe i dont say this enough but i really appreciate him because he is the reason i glow these days. *Pshiiiinnggg*=D. Oh, and thanks for dropping by my place after the graduation to listen to my craps. haha.
Hanis & Sakina, my bestest highschool friends! =D. Hanis, the doctor-to-be and sakina the business woman-to-be were so sweet to come all the way from damansara to be with me and celebrate my big day. I cant believe we each got to be what we've always wanted to be. I never thought our ambitions would one day become a reality. I am so lucky to have met friends like u girls in highschool, because we always motivate each other to study kan? Kalau tak study hard, we probably wont be where we are today. We shall stay friends forever till marriage do us part. Kidding. haha.
AinSafian looked sweet in pink. She looks so happy to be there, which made me happy! hehe. Who'd have known my 2 bestfriends in UIA are engineering students. I'm so weird, i know. Ainsafian is my mother in uni because she's so great at cleaning up messes and she always brings food from home and jellybeans and candies and yummies to feed my sweet tooth. I miss all those tear-dropping gossip sessions with Ainsafian! i wanna have sleepovers in your room again! huhuhu...
Aienn, pakai contact lens nampak...hehehe. So pretty, warna grey pulak tu. I wanted to buy contacts for my graduation tau. But i had spent so much already on baju and kasut. Tak jadi la beli contacts. Kalau tak, i'll look as pretty as you kan? Aienn is also Aidil's lifesaver when he was all alone in uia and nak cari gang. haha. Thanks Aienn for taking care of Aidil when he was lost on the bridge and tak tau nak buat ape. =p.
Aidil wore my robe and Shahir's songkok for this particular photoshoot. hehe. I'm really glad we took this pic, because otherwise, all pics would look the same je. I should've betulkan the robe, because as you can see, the robe is kinda senget. and the songkok is too small for aidil's head. I also personally like the words "bless you" on top of our heads because I do hope we'll get all the blessings we need to be with each other together forever. =p.
This is the Graduation mascot. He's really a girl. I also like this pic because I think not many people have a picture with the mascot. Also, the mascot gave ryzal chocolates earlier, so "he" deserves "his" picture taken with ryzal and i. hehe.
kayak-ing with the kayak master, sakina! if it wanst for my kebaya, i'd join hanis and sakina in the kayak. Ruginya! the hot weather did not stop us from having some "wet" fun and looks like Hanis is getting more sportier than i am. damn. =p.
To sum up everrrrrything in one word: YaaaaaaaHoooo-ooooooooo!!!!
I have answered your comment in my blog and i remember going to your graduation where i met aidil. and i bought a balloon and i gave you roses ilya gave me.And i don't understand a thing in this entry :P
haha.. what dont u understand, ryzal?
ryzal..u mean u don't understand when ur sister said i'm her mother in uni? hehehe
hey mira, congrats again (and again..hehe) on your graduation. entry ni mmg sweet gila la kan. now i know that i look sweet in pink and gorgeous in yellow =p and baju raye i taon ni kaler kuning! hahaha!
skang dah xde dah tear-dropping gossips, what an idiot i was..naseb baek ade org melayan..hehe
i mis u mis u mis u mis u loads! i hate my final sem..too busy with work and rase lonely gilaaa..
ps: i'm loooooking forward for ur wedding invitation :D
who are you? i am talking to vertigo
u see how aidil and ryzal simply dismiss me in their conversations? *sigh*
baju raya u warna kuning? bestnya! =). i nak warna dark purple. tapi i tak beli lagi. haha.
okokokokok, i'll find u a bf. there's a new hot lawyer in my ofis, but i have no idea what his name is. =p.
ps: wedding invitations wont be out til god knows when.
"ya Tuhan..tabahkn hati ini dlm menghadapi dugaan sebegini..and please don't make me hate kids more and more.."
:p :p :P
haha. ain, jgn marah ryzal tuh. dia mmg camtu. ryzal, apologize to ainsafian cepat.. =P~
hey muna, nice entry.. ;)~
haaah, finally, u acknowledge my presence here. my entries are all nice, i know... =p. haha.
Ps: excuse the weirdness of the font sizes. i'm tryin to fix it.
apologize for what? (:| i did'nt do anything to him or her! :|
ye i pon pelik gak tgk font tibe2 membesar sebagai juara tu. nice entry anyway. nmpk sgt u still happy gila ngn ur graduation..hehehe
tu la, jgn la salah anggap. bukan i prefer korang punya present berbanding yg lain, blogger ni buat hal. hahaha.
mun!!!that is soo sweet of u!!hehe.no prob.if u're happy, im happy too =)
btw, can i have the kayak pic pls and when are u gonna try to kayak? ;)
sure thing. i'll mintak pics from aidil. bcos he just gave me 2, i think there's more..
I'll try kayak when i have purchased insurance for my a**. haha.
thanks sakina, lets buka puasa together!
congratulations! "bless you" two. apa ni bagi bunga, where's the ring yoes? lol. plis dont slash me out..!
ryzal looks funny in all the pics.. haha.
i dont like rings. i like flowers. =)
is it the shirt? haha.. anyway, ryzal penat haritu, maybe thats why muka dia expressionless.
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