Monday, February 8, 2010

tweet me!!

You know when you leave a place unoccupied for too long, we malays believe that "someone" or "something" will find itself a way into it. Blogs are no exception apparently. U see I get these email notifications for comments people send to my entries & since I have not been updating for a while, this anonymous creature has been dropping many comments and I suspect they're some sort of spam/virus/sthg.

Is my blog therefore unsafe to even be visited by me for I will then be infected by this virus?

I dunno, but here's the thing: I'm getting married people! So yeah just to put this on record because for what its worth, I dont want to be posting up about me getting all pregs and skip the gettin married entry so just to keep the flow flowing right.

And to a certain level to remind myself that I'm getting married and maybe yearsssss from now when I read this entry again, to reming myself that I Am married.

Yeah so we're in the midst of getting things to fall nicely into place so that this memorable day of ours will be special to both us and our guests. You ARE coming right??? :p

This whole preparation process for me so far has been very enjoyable and interesting because we got to meet new people & talk and talk and talk & then of course at the end of the day there's always a price to pay for all those wasted salivah. sighhhh sighhh.... the way i see it: maybe there's a bright side for things to be sooooo expensive for weddings, at least we'll probably appreciate our constitution of marriage more.

But heck, when we get old and stuff, maybe our kids should get married virtually & save all the cost. wakakakkakaka....

Okay, so hopefully I'll come back with more great news in the future, till then pray for us & we'll see you on our big day!!! If you're not invited, you must not be very nice so I suggest you work on that attitude, no just kidding! Tweet me people, I'm on twitter!!! :D


Ilya said...

hehhehe...virtual marriage? I like... =)) giler!!