When it comes to things that are edible, it is kind of a big deal to me. My tongue chatters perpetually, and as such, it only deserves the best food and drinks (and man) in town.
Meet my bad hat tongue, ladies and gentlemen.
I was having a lovely birthday dinner in the absence of the birthday girl last saturday night; and by lovely i mean nasi briyani kambing with scrumptious ayam goreng berempah and this vegetably dish, with my friends and a couple of persona non gratas who later became part of 'the group' because well, they had good effort. It is not always easy, to penetrate into the Mosantos' colloquies Eheh eheh... *pats self on the back*
By good effort, i mean quite smooth. That was probably the 1st time I did not label a stranger as poyo. =p.
Stranger: I'm going to get a drink. Would you girls like anything to drink? coke?
Me: Yes, coke.
Stranger later comes back with 2 glasses of lemonade.
Stranger: I heard people saying the lemonade tastes good. So I took lemonade. Would u like to try it?
Me: No! I want Coke! [i didnt mean to be rude, i was just really really blur].
Stranger: Coke tinggal sikit.
Me: But i asked for Coke. Not lemonade.
At this super blur remark, my friends came to my rescue.
Friends: It's okay, we'll have the lemonade.
Stranger: So u still want the Coke?
Me: Yes.
3 minutes later, stranger came back with a glass of Coke.
My friends stared at me, and started making mean coke jokes. By this time, stranger had warmed up to all my friends and started calling me authoritative.
Truth be told, I honestly did not hear Stranger's suggestion to Try the lemonade. I thought Stranger made a mistake and wanted to correct him.
Friend: Moon, u didnt even say sorry...
Me: I said Thanks...
Meet my bad hat tongue, ladies and gentlemen.
hahaha. tell me something new, moon.
the moral of the story is-?
aiseyman.. lemonade = limau ais = singa beng? heheh.
something new..hm. for the 1st time ever in my life, i'm participating in a treasure hunt. we'll see how bloggable that'd be...
moral of the story: just get me the damn coke.
what's singa beng? =p
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