Monday, June 1, 2009

Princess Me

Lets talk dirrrty...

And by dirty i mean about my mouth and what the heck is goin on in there! hahah..
Well, today my teeth gets it crown =D smile, teethy, smile!! so they're princess gigi kapak la, sort of..

For every crown placed the price is of course what seemed to be like an endless torture. "Sakit la siot," i should have said to Dr. Putri. =p.

Anyway, erm I'm happy, but my teeth arent perfect or anything. I was hoping it would be! I mean after 6 injections and all... kan?

But my Dr. Putri's the best! She's soooo gentle and she makes me feel very very safe. Actually I really like the fact that she treated me like a child, as in she constantly asked me if this and that hurt, and "jangan takut ye.. rasa sikit je" and "bunyi dia bising sikit ye..."

Then how come I dont get a lolly after my 2 visits doctor?? how come you??

The best part about having my teeth crowned is that I now can no longer bite my nails! Can you believe it? I finally can be like other high maintenance women going for manicure and all! Yeah baby yeah!!!

Conclusion -- today is the 1st of June and I feel princessyh!

Will be visiting Dr. Putri in December to polish the teeth. hehehehe.

u wanna see my teeth? here! =D (nampak tak?)


vertigo said...

I finally can be like other high maintenance women going for manicure and all! Yeah baby yeah!!! --> erk!!


Muna said...

if u dont let me go, u have to do it for me. choose! =D

vertigo said...

hahaha. which is the cheaper? =P

Muna said...

u doing manicure for me of course! =)

Dinie Wan said...

u took out ur front teeeth n put in new ones ke?

Muna said...

(now the whole world's gonna know, thanks dinie)

I crowned my teeth la, tak cabut pun.. but dia kecikkan sikit the original teeth in order to crown it.

Ilya said...

wow...let's do botox next time... =)