It is just too cliche to be quoting "be careful what you wish for", but seriously... I'll have to be very careful of what I long for from today onwards...
I remember wishing for a new handphone about a couple of months ago, and by wishing i mean- literally asking Aidil to give it to me as a birthday present (haha).
Turns out, while other girls (real people i know, i'm not making this up, this is not an illustration) go to shopping malls all dressed up just to stop every 5 minutes to take their own pics; I mean seriously, If u come from anywhere within 50 km from the shopping mall, just dont bother taking pics of yourself at the shopping mall just to add another album in friendster or facebook. I am tired of seeing the same face and different clothes that I know exactly what the price is and where you bought it.
Because I really shop and not pegi shopping mall to take pics. It is not an event at all, when you go to that shopping mall every other day doing the same thing.
And of course in Dinie's words, "because I can offer a good conversation over a cuppa coffee" or whatever it is you're eating, I do not need to pause every 5 seconds to take my own pics; or the pic of the food that I just ordered for that matter. Yea yea yea its bloggable but seriously now...?
So I always shop seriously and there is no way I was getting recognition for that, until...... I was announced as the 5th winner of the One Utama's Shop Wise Win Big contest! =D
I won a Sony Ericsson T650i handphone and i thank God for it because:
1. I wanted to get rid of my flip phone because selalu rosak. (i love the KRZR nevertheless)
2. I'd rather win the hp than winning OSIM's giddy up work out machine.
3. I gave Aidil 2 choices for my birthday present checklist. Handphone or diamond ring.
Looks like he'll have to get me the diamond ring now. =p
tee hee hee...coincidentally, you know the smart way to get a diamond ring...hehehe, just jokin'. at least you're not really desperate for it unlike some people i know...hehehe...btw, congrats for the handphone! sounds cool!
maybe she was desperate for it because she knows she wont get it..? =p.
the phone is cool, but the whole ceremony was wayyy cooler!!! ada makanan from paddington house of pancakes and all. yummmmyyyy!
congrats on winning d mobile phn mira! lucky u babe!
i know. I am so blessed. I never buy my own phone and i keep getting them for free.
but i gotta say... i deserve to win this contest sebab i rasa i dah spend 1 juta kat 1 utama ok.. haha..
thanks yaty! might want to order some kain from brunei from u later. will let u know k. =)
menang hp! coolness! congrats2!
wise shopper indeed. haha
walau wey.. camana bleh menang ni? U kasi checklist 4 your birthday present? woit!
ini perempuan memang boleh buat apa dia suka.........
thanks. hehe. tunggu nanti i upload gambar k. =)
u know what they say when u dont care and just main campak je the borang in the tong, that'd be the day u will win sthg. hehe.
...and i'm about to come up with a new project! =p
what new project? masuk sebanyak2 contest ke? i'm hoping to win that petronas free petrol for 3 years tu. haha. aidil can help increase my chances x? :p
congrats muna!!!!! wahhh bestnyerrr :)
i got no luck lar with all these contests.. tho there were two times i got a bunch of goodies from hitz masa my two birthdays :p
With 15years of practice, i'd be disappointed if u didnt win. Mau pergi the evil one utama lagi.. The place which will totally get me fat. Damn uuuuuuu!!!
i bet those goodies from hitz aint so bad kan.. i'm just frikin lucky this time around. it mustve been the angels who have said amin to my prayer and hence God granted it. thank u angels........
Ou memang evil! hahahha
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